How to Plant Blueberries - Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers on how to plant blueberries and how to grow blueberries successfully by expanding on any or all of these questions.
How much sun do blueberries need?
Sunlight is a key ingredient in the recipe for growing blueberries.Blueberry bushes in full sun will bear the most fruit, but plants located for half a day of sunlight (4 hours) will provide a good harvest for the home gardener.
How much space does a blueberry bush need?
Blueberry bushes will mature to 4-6 feet high and 3-4 feet wide.Space plants no closer than 3 feet apart to form a hedge row or 5 feet apart to allow space in between.Rows should be 10-12 feet apart.
How much watering do blueberries require?
Blueberries are shallow rooted plants that need to stay moist but not soggy.There is no formula for watering.Water requirements of 1-4” per week vary based on many factors including the size of the plant and the stage of fruit development.In the absence of adequate precipitation mature plants that are ripening fruit could require as much as 3-5 gallons per plant 2-3 times per week.
Do blueberry bushes need mulch?
Thick mulch conserves moisture, moderates soil temperature, and prevents weeds. Maintaining a heavy mulch layer is critical to blueberry growing success. A 3-5 inch layer of pine bark is the optimal mulch. However, most wood mulches are acceptable.